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Kaizen Boat Slip#13 & GiGi Boat Slip#15

The crew of the S/F Kaizen is looking for some folks who want to catch fish or just relax on the most beautiful yacht in South Florida. Every employee at Earl Stewart Toyota is welcome as well as their spouses or significant others.

Front Page News


December 2014

Great Day on the Kaizen with the Dallin FamilyJeff Dallin and Family on the Kaizen

Dallin and Antos Kids Having FunDallin and Antos Kids on the Kaizen

October 2014

Great Day on the GiGi

Great day on the Gigi

Great day on the Gigi

Great day on the Gigi

September 2014

Karol's Kids having lots of fun

Now you see them...

Karol's Kids 1

Now you don't...

Karol's Kids 2

August 2014

Turtle Birthday with Earl's niece

Turtle Birthday with Earl's niece

Cruising with Vladimir

Cruising with Vladimir


Sandy V enjoying a nap on the Kaizen

Sandy taking a nap on the Kaizen


Fishing trip on the 4th of July with Thunderworks

fishing trip on July 4th with Thunderworks

fishing trip on July 4th with Thunderworks fishing trip on July 4th with Thunderworks 


Fishing in the rain Thursday 7/10/2014

Fishing in the rain July 10 2014 


Sunday Sandbar Trip 7/13/2014 

Sunday Sandbar Trip 7-13-2014 

January 20, 2014  

Had a great time yesterday with the Fords. All three of them catching their first sailfish with Ken catching two.

Congratulations to Ken, Lisa and Kenny. 

The Ford's Fishing Trip

The Ford's Fishing Trip The Ford's Fishing Trip 


by Debra Sheridan

Just a note to let you know what a fantastic time I had on the Kaizen. Captain Trent and First mate Allen were so much fun.  My daughter Lexus, age 15 caught her first big fish, a 35 pound King. I will post the picture so you can see what true fish love is all about. (See pictures below.) My nephew Shane (Visiting from Tennessee) caught a 6-foot sailfish. He took a picture with it and then we returned him to the sea.

I cannot thank Mr. Stewart enough for this great experience and for the great pleasure of working for Earl Stewart Toyota!

Lexus with her first big fish, 35 pound King

Lexus with her first big fish, 35 pound King

Nephew Shane, (on right,) with his caught and released 6 foot Sailfish 


by Ted & Nancy 

Binnix and Newhouse families 

The Kaizen entertained the Binnix and Newhouse families on Sunday 8/18/2013.  These are two great families that I know from Manheim Palm Beach.  It was a beautiful perfect day to travel down the Intracoastal and all of us were very happy with the way we were treated by Captain Trent and First Mate Allen.   Many thanks to them and of course Mr. Stewart for the use of the Kaizen.

Ted & Nancy :)

Binnix and Newhouse families 


North RN Clinical Group

FAU North RN Clinical Group says thanks to Mr. Stewart for allowing them to celebrate their upcoming graduation on May 3rd, 2013.  Also, Captain Trent along with First Mate Allen made sure that everyone had a terrific time on the Kaizen.  Here are a few pictures taken, please click on them to view in full size. 


Amanda, Rebecca and Kim

Amanda, Rebecca and Kim give a toast!


Sheila, Devyn and Eliza 

Sheila, Devyn and Eliza toast as well!


Daniela, Liz and Nancy

Daniela, Liz and Nancy... smiles galore!

We had the best time of our lives... 

A Huge Thanks From All Of Us!

To view more pictures of their Pre-Graduation Celebration click here

Fishing on 3-3-13

Captain Trent talks about the fishing trip on 3-3-2013 

Fishing Results on 3-3-2013 

A First for the Kaizen... a Wedding!

Congratulations to the Happy Couple

Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Zambrano

Married June 9, 2012 on the Kaizen under the Jupiter Lighthouse.

Wedding 6-9-2012 Mr and Mrs Zambrano

Click on their picture above to view full size!

"Any port in a storm"

Earl saves Sparrow?

I was fishing last Friday and we were pretty far off shore. 

The little sparrow (?) you see in the picture was apparently swept way off shore by the wind and was exhausted, looking for some place to land and catch his breath.

This will sound like I'm making this up, but just before he reached the Kaizen, flying just above the waves, a barracuda jumped out of the water to eat him, barely missing.

You can see where landed, seeking sanctuary. J

He stayed with us for quite a while. Trent got a picture of him sitting on my finger too.


The Sailfish 100

click here for more info...


These pictures were taken 3 weeks ago. Shown in the third picture are Chase Daniels, our first mate and a friend of Trent’s named Jade who is a chef on a mega yacht.  

Atlantic Dogtooth Tuna

The first picture, above, is the first and only Atlantic Dogtooth Tuna ever caught on the Kaizen. It’s in the Bonita family but is a cold water fish normally found up north. This was one is about 10 pounds, very big for that species, and it was delicious. I followed Captain Trent’s recipe, briefly zapped it in the microwave and made tuna fish salad.

Bonita after it took a Shark Bite!

The 2nd picture is what is left of a Bonita was reeling in after a Bull shark took a bite.


Loggerhead Turtle got snagged in our hook

The 3rd picture is me catching our first sea turtle, a big Loggerhead. She was swimming along minding her own business when one of our hooks we were trolling ballyhoo with snagged the collar of her shell…not hurting her but definitely interrupting her day. :)

Release flag fabricated for the Loggerhead Turtle

The last picture is me holding the release flag Captain Trent had to fabricate having never caught and released a turtle before.

Two firsts for the Kaizen...
a Blue Marlin and a Cobia

Lisa caught and released a Blue Marlin Saturday. This is amazing because there are virtually no more Blue Marlins off the coast of Florida. The only ones being caught are in the Bahamas. There has been only one other caught in Florida in the last year.

 Lisa's Blue Marlin release 4-3-2010Lisa's Blue Marlin release 4-3-2010

Also, on Saturday, Mr. Stewart caught his first Cobia and I believe that was a Kaizen first as well!

Earl Stewart Cobia catch 4-2-2010

Reichel Realty & Investments has boat slips for sale in the JIB Yacht Club and Marina from 35 foot to 100 foot.
Click here for full details!

by Jason Guley

Kaizen sighting in Lake Tahoe...

Kaizen sighting in Lake Tahoe

The Kaizen - 60' Hatteras   Earl & Nancy Stewart at the helm!

The crew of the S/F Kaizen is looking for some folks who want to catch fish or just relax on the most beautiful yacht in South Florida. Every employee at Earl Stewart Toyota is welcome as well as their spouses or significant others.

Full speed ahead!   Earl & Nancy Stewart along with Captain Trent.

Mr. Pelican looking for lunch!Earl Stewart, Laura, Nancy Stewart & Jerry

Captain Trent helping out the Kids!Chase setting the bait!

Kaizen's DingyWhat a catch!

The Kaizen showing off her stuff!

More News!


Earl catches a 43 pound Kingfish
Earl Stewart catches a 43 lb Kingfish!
Click on picture to enlarge.

"I hate to brag J, but Captain Trent, Chase, and I had a pretty good day on the Kaizen yesterday.

In addition to the record Kingfish, we caught 2 more Kings, 2 Amberjack, a Barracuda, two Dolphin [Mahi Mahi], and “came close” on two Sailfish.

This Kingfish was so big, Captain Trent thought he was a “shark” for the first few minutes I was fighting him." J

Earl, Captain Trent & Chase have a GREAT Fishing Day on the Kaizen!

Earl & Chase showing one of their many catches.

"I was fishing with Trent and Chase yesterday. We caught and released 1 sailfish and we caught 2 dolphin and a blackfin tuna. We also caught a boat record amberjack and several bonita."

Click here to see a slideshow of their day!

Earl & friends set a Kaizen record!

Earl & friends catch 4 WahooKaizen Record Wahoo Catch


"This was a Kaizen Wahoo record catch…five!

The others are my friends Danny Lassiter [girl], Brian ?, Captain Trent and of course Chase Daniel, our 1st mate.  

We caught these Thursday, August 6."

by Captain Trent...

On Monday at noon the Kaizen left NPBM to travel to Seminole Marine. The boat was in the middle of the electronic refit. We are starting the Paint project at the same time so that both project can be completed with best results and minimum time out of service.
I will send you picture of all the work as it happens.
The Electronic Refit Project.
- Replacing radar with a 25 kw Furuno Navnet 3D GPS/Radar system with matching screen to existing GPS system on bridge.
- New 6' high def. Scanner on hard top for radar
- Download and install updated Bahamas Chart package.
- Replace old VHF radio with Icom M504.01 VHF
- New Clarion CMD5 with XM Radio
- Add speakers to bridge and to cockpit
- Add lights under covering boards to cockpit
- Add Computer to main saloon to run Weatherworks system and Boat Wifi system.
- Move KVH sat tv system from Hardtop above the bridge to top of tower for better underway proformance.
- Remove antennas from hardtop and install on buggytop.(top of the tower)

 Install Name Decal Install Name Decal
New decal New Computer
 Tune Props Kaizen in Dry Dock


 Icom Radio

Navnet Radar and GPS system

WxWorx System
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