The Sailfish "100"
sailfish season has just started. With the cooler weather here, the
sailfish are coming down from the northeast in droves! Captain Trent was
fishing Sunday and told me there are sailfish “all over the place”!
Call Captain Trent at 561 324-627 and let him know who in your department would like to help us catch 100 sailfish this season, or for those who don’t like to fish, take a cruise on the intracoastal waterway.
We'll be tracking Sailfish catches over the course of the season and include pictures of each angler as well as the number of their catches.
Click on the thumbnails below to view each anglers catch(s)

The First Sailfish Trip of the Season.
Date - Nov 4th
Party- Earl Stewart
Weather - South 15kts becoming southwest 10kts
Fish - 20 pound Kingfish. 16 pound Dolphin. 0 for 2 on sails saw 3 fish
Bait - 2 dozen runners
Note; Both sailfish put on nice display. Second fish fought for close to 30 minutes with a swivel breaking 14" from legal release.
(captain could hear sail laughing at Earl upon getting away. rumor to have txt thanks to Earl for the free lunch)

First sails of the season.
Date - Nov 11th
Party- Earl Stewart, Norm Isaac
Weather - North 15kts becoming North East 15kts
Fish - 4 out 10 dolphin to 14 lb . 3 for 5 on sails. saw 10 fish
Bait - 2 doz runners , 2 doz gogs
Note; Earl lands first sail of the season right off the bat. We miss one. catch next two. miss last fish of the day. A lot of dolphin action. Multiple kingfish cut offs.
Sail 1 - Earl
Sail 2 - Norm Isaac
Sail 3 - Earl

Fished Nov 18
Angler - Earl Stewart
Fish - 1 Sail , 1 40 lb Wahoo
Wind sw 15 going north at 18
Dirty water, out to 350 feet
fishing slow, Wahoo caught on jig and ballyhoo off dredge.
Sail # 4
Click on the thumbnails below to view full size